Pittsburgh Pirates Franchise Fitted Baseball Cap


Founded in 1946, Twins Enterprise is the creator of The Franchise, their signature cap that is always the perfect fit. Twins has the exclusive rights to create fitted, relaxed caps for Major League Baseball. Several top universities (including Alabama, Texas, Notre Dame, and North Carolina) look exclusively to Twins to create the Franchise cap for their students and fans. When Major League Baseball players celebrate winning their Division or the Wild Card they proudly wear caps manufactured and created by Twins Enterprise. Available in just about every major sport, as well as many impressive companies and brands, Twins Caps are everywhere. You may even be wearing one right now.

Customer Review: NOT HAPPY
I ordered this hat for my husband. It said one size. It did not say child size or adult size. It is too small for my husband, & too big for my 2 1/2 year grand son. I should have sent it back, but I did not.
Customer Review: Smaller fit for a listed size large
I currently have another Franchise-brand hat and have had others in the past. For whatever reason, however, this one was smaller than the other "large"-sized hats that I have/had. It stretches a bit, but just keep this in mind.

I grew up a full-time Chicago White Sox fan and a sometime Cub fan.

So, you might think I'm used to mediocre seasons, yet still capable of enjoying the idea of ducking work to see an afternoon ballgame in the crisp, spring time air.

But nowadays, it would take a lot to wrench me from my office or home to see any team play, apart from say the Yankees or Red Sox.

I don't believe most clubs are worth watching, especially those that clamber into the post-season with a record that is barely better than a breakeven. The Yanks and Red Sox seek to win two-thirds to 70% of their games

The Yankees and Red Sox are the only teams willing to consistently pay to get the best players and to win world championships. The remaining teams are only willing to part with enough dough in order to squeak by, to be profitable.

You can tell that most teams are merely going through the motions, while the two leaders are consistently going for results.

In movies, you'll see there are a few genuine stars, and they're usually surrounded by scores of "extras," bit players that earn a fraction of the stars' money and none of their acclaim.

There's no such thing as an Oscar for the best performance in a movie by an extra.

And there should be no prizes given to the teams that throw the equivalent of batting practice to the Red Sox and Yankees, those bit players and part-timers that seldom come into full focus, who are there year after year in scene after scene, but merely as a backdrop to the major players.

Maybe, every other team, apart from the Red Sox and Yanks should be demoted to the minors, where they belong. They might be allowed to play exhibitions against each other, and the very best might qualify to play the two star teams, but only on occasion, where all in attendance know the outcome, yet still cheer their hearts out in the remote hope their amateurs can beat the pro's.

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Dr. Gary S. Goodman is a top trainer, conference and convention speaker, and sales, customer service, and negotiation consultant. A frequent expert commentator on radio and TV, he is also the best-selling author of 12 books, more than 1,000 articles and several popular audio and video programs. His seminars are sponsored internationally and he is a faculty member at more than 40 universities, including UC Berkeley and UCLA. Gary's sales, management and consulting experience is combined with impressive academic credentials: A Ph.D. from USC, an MBA from the Peter F. Drucker School of Management, and a J.D. degree from Loyola Law School, his clients include several Fortune 1000 companies.

His web site is: http://www.customersatisfaction.com and he can be reached at: gary@customersatisfaction.com His blogs include: YOUR CUSTOMER SERVICE SUCKS! and ALWAYS COLD CALL! at: http://www.alwayscoldcall.blogspot.com

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